RAXORB35 is particularly selective towards Cesium radionuclides (exchange capacity towards a 0.1% solution of CsCl of about 0.5 mol/Kg) also in presence of highly mineralized solutions because of its stability in alkali environment (up to pH=12). RAXORB³⁵ is suitable for the deactivation of radioactive waters of different salinity and particularly for the sorption of Cesium from process waters in nuclear power plants (i.e. regeneration solutions for the demineralization units, evaporator stillage residues, radioactive liquid wastes, effluent process waters, etc.).
RAXORB35 is produced in spherical granules sizing 0.4-1mm of density of about 1.07 Kg/dm³, with high mechanical strength thus featuring excellent kinetic characteristics and long lifetime.
RDN, an independent organization made a comparative test under dynamic conditions (at a flow rate of 2.5 Vol/h) between RAXORB³⁵ and three other sorbents (Documentation available under confidentiality agreement). The chart shows the sorption dynamic on stillage residues initially characterized by:
Typical Product Application Cases: